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  • Arie Verhagen. The origins of perspective taking lie in iconic language use: Unifying
    theories of signs, conversation, and narrative perspective. Front. Commun. 8:623662. [ doi ] [pdf: Origins of perspective ] [ pdf, print enhanced ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Ten Lectures on Cognitive Evolutionary Linguistics. Boston/Leiden: Brill. Table of Contents [ link ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Argumentation in evolution. On the relation between dyadic and public communication. In: Ronny Boogaart, Henrike Jansen, Maarten van Leeuwen (eds.), The Language of Argumentation. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 37-60. [ link ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Metonymies in Sociocognitive Linguistics – a Plea for “Normal Science”. In: Gitte Kristiansen, Karlien Franco, Stefano De Pascale, Laura Rosseel, Weiwei Zhang (eds.), Cognitive Sociolinguistics Revisited. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 435-445. [ link ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. 50 years of dichotomies – misunderstandings and the relevance of lexical semantics. In: Janine Berns & Elena Tribushinina (eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2019. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 60-66. [ link, pdf: 50 Years Dichotomies ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Shifting tenses, viewpoints, and the nature of narrative communication. Cognitive Linguistics 30/2: 351-375. [ link, pdf: Shifting Tenses - Narrative ]
  • Max J. van Duijn and Arie Verhagen. Recursive embedding of viewpoints, irregularity, and the role for a flexible framework. Pragmatics 29/2: 198-225. [ link, pdf: Recursive Viewpoint Network ]

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  • Max J. van Duijn and Arie Verhagen. Beyond triadic communication: a three-dimensional conceptual space for modeling intersubjectivity. Pragmatics and Cognition 25/2: 398-430. [ link, pdf: Beyond Triadic Communication ]
  • Wei-lun Lu, Arie Verhagen, I-wen Su. A Multiple-Parallel-Text Approach for Viewpoint Research Across Languages: The Case of Demonstratives in English and Chinese. In: Szilvia Csábi (ed.), Expressive Minds and Artistic Creations. Studies in Cognitive Poetics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 131-157. [ link, pdf: Contrastive viewpoint research, Demonstratives ]
  • Jonathan D. Brown and Arie Verhagen. Using Rhetorical Structure Theory for Contrastive Purposes: A Pilot Study. OnCUE – Journal for the Language Professional in College and University Education 11/1: 3-24. [ link, pdf:  Pilot: RST for Contrastive Purposes ]

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  • Barend Beekhuizen, Rens Bod, Arie Verhagen. Acquiring relational meaning from the situational context. What linguists can learn from analyzing videotaped interaction. In: Jacqueline Evers-Vermeul and Elena Tribushinina (eds.), Usage-Based Approaches to Language Acquisition and Language Learning. Studies on Language Acquisition [SOLA]. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter/Mouton, 73-96. [ link, pdf: VideoTaped Interaction ]
  • Niels O. Schiller, Lars van Lenteren, Jurriaan Witteman, Kim Ouwehand, Guido P.H. Band, Arie Verhagen. Solving the problem of double negation is not impossible: electrophysiological evidence for the cohesive function of sentential negation. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 32/2: 147-157. [Published online 03 Oct 2016]. [ link, pdf: Schiller et al. Double negation ]

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  • Barbara Dancygier, Wei-lun Lu, Arie Verhagen (eds.), Viewpoint and the Fabric of Meaning. Form and Use of Viewpoint Tools across Languages and Modalities. Cognitive Linguistics Research [CLR] 55. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. [ link ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Introduction: On tools for weaving meaning out of viewpoint threads. In: Dancygier, Lu, Verhagen (eds.) 2016, 1-10. [ link, pdf: Viewpoint (2016), Introduction ]
  • Wei-lun Lu and Arie Verhagen. Shifting viewpoints: How does that actually work across languages? An exercise in parallel text analysis. In: Dancygier, Lu, Verhagen (eds.) 2016, 169-190. [ link, pdf:  Shifting Viewpoints ]

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  • Max J. van Duijn, Ineke Sluiter, Arie Verhagen. When narrative takes over: The representation of embedded mindstates in Shakespeare’s Othello. Language and Literature 24: 148-166. [ link, pdf: 2015_vanDuijn-Sluiter-Verhagen_WhenNarrativeTakesOver ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Grammar and cooperative communication. In: Ewa Dąbrowska & Dagmar Divjak (eds.). Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics (Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science 39). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 232-252. [ link, pdf: 2015_Verhagen_Grammar-and-CooperativeCommunication ]
  • Eline Zenner, Gitte Kristiansen, Laura Janda, and Arie Verhagen. Introduction. Change of paradigms – New paradoxes. Recontextualizing language and linguistics. In: Jocelyne Daems, Eline Zenner, Kris Heylen, Dirk Speelman & Hubert Cuyckens (eds.), Change of Paradigms – New Paradoxes. Recontextualizing Language and Linguistics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 1-14. [pdf:  Intro: Paradigms, New Paradoxes ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Construal and Stylistics – within a language, across contexts, across languages. Stylistics across Disciplines. Conference Proceedings. CD-ROM. Leiden. [pdf: Verhagen 2012, Stylistics ]

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  • Frank Landsbergen, Robert Lachlan, Carel ten Cate, Arie Verhagen. A cultural evolutionary model of patterns in semantic change. Linguistics 48: 363-390. [ link, pdf: 2010_Landsbergen-Lachlan-tenCate-Verhagen_CulturalEvolModelSemChange ]
  • Willem Zuidema and Arie Verhagen. What are the unique design features of language? Formal tools for comparative claims. Adaptive Behavior 18: 48-65. [ link, pdf: 2010_Zuidema&Verhagen_DesignFeatures ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Usage, structure, scientific explanation, and the role of abstraction, by linguists and by language users. In: Kasper Boye and Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen (eds.), Language Usage and Language Structure. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 45-72. [ link, pdf: Usage-Structure, Explanation-Abstraction ]
  • Arie Verhagen. What do you think is the proper place of recursion? Conceptual and empirical issues. In: Harry van der Hulst (ed.), Recursion and Human Language. Berlin/New York: De Guyter Mouton, 93-110. [ link, pdf: Recursion's Proper Place ]

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  • Ninke Stukker, Ted Sanders, Arie Verhagen. Categories of subjectivity in Dutch causal connectives: a usage-based analysis. In: Ted Sanders and Eve Sweetser (eds.), Causal Categories in Discourse and Cognition. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 119-171. [ link ]
  • Arie Verhagen. The conception of constructions as complex signs. Emergence of structure and reduction to usage. Constructions and Frames 1: 119-152. [ link, pdf: 2009_Verhagen_ConstructionsAsComplexSigns.pdf ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Syntax, recursion, productivity – a usage-based perspective on the evolution of grammar. In: A. Lubotsky, J. Schaeken, J. Wiedenhof (eds.), Evidence and Counter-evidence, Festschrift F. Kortlandt, Volume 2 (SSGL 33). Amsterdam – New York: Rodopi, 399-414. [ link, pdf: 2008_Verhagen_Syntax-Recursion-Productivity-Evolution.pdf ]
  • Ninke Stukker, Ted Sanders, Arie Verhagen. Causality in verbs and in discourse connectives. Converging evidence of cross-level parallels in Dutch linguistic categorization. Journal of Pragmatics 40: 1296-1322. [ link ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Intersubjectivity and explanation in linguistics – a reply to Hinzen and Van Lambalgen. Cognitive Linguistics 19: 125-143. [ link, pdf: Reply to Hinzen&VanLambalgen ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Intersubjectivity and the architecture of the language system. In: Jordan Zlatev, Timothy P. Racine, Chris Sinha, Esa Itkonen (eds.), The Shared Mind: Perspectives on Intersubjectivity. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 307-331. [ link, pdf: 2008_Verhagen_Intersubjectivity&LanguageSystem.pdf ]

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  • Paperback edition of Constructions of Intersubjectivity (Verhagen 2005), with addition of “Further reading” section and new references. [ link OUP; Intersubjectivity page ]
  • Arie Verhagen. English constructions from a Dutch perspective: Where are the differences? In: M. Hannay and G.J. Steen (eds.), Structural-functional studies in English grammar. In honour of Lachlan Mackenzie. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007, 257-274. [ link, pdf: 2007_Verhagen_EnglishConstructionsFromDutchPerspective ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Construal and perspectivisation. In: D. Geeraerts and H. Cuyckens (eds.), Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 48-81 [ link, pdf: 2007_Verhagen_Construal&Perspectivization ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. On subjectivity and ‘long distance Wh-movement’. In: Angeliki Athanasiadou, Costas Canakis and Bert Cornillie (eds), Subjectification: Various Paths to Subjectivity. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 323-346. [ link, pdf: 2006_Verhagen_Subjectivity&LD-Wh ]
  • Joost Schilperoord and Arie Verhagen. Grammar and language production: Where do function words come from? In: June Luchjenbroers (ed.), Cognitive Linguistics Investigations. Across languages, fields and philosophical boundaries. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 139-168. [ link, pdf: 2006_Schilperoord&Verhagen_Grammar&language-production ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Constructions of Intersubjectivity. Discourse, Syntax, and Cognition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [ link OUP; Intersubjectivity page ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Language, culture, nature: exploring new perspectives. In: Augusto Soares da Silva, Amadeu Torres, Miguel Gonçalves (eds.), Linguagem, Cultura e Cognição: Estudos de Linguística Cognitiva. Coimbra: Almedina, 165-187. [pdf: download id=902 format=pdf]]

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  • Arie Verhagen and Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.). Usage-Based Approaches to Dutch. Utrecht: LOT. [ link ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Semantics, Inferential Cognition, and Understanding Text. In: Ellen van Wolde (ed.). Job 28. Cognition in Context (Biblical Interpretation Series, Volume 64). Leiden: Brill, 231-252. [ link, pdf: 2003_Verhagen_Semantics&inferential-cognition ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Wie sich Sprachen ihren Weg bahnen. Spezifische vs. allgemeine grammatikalische Konstruktionen im Vergleich. In: Herbert Van Uffelen, M. Elisabeth Weissenböck, Christine van Baalen (Hrsg.), Sprache und Identität. Akten des Symposiums zum 10-jahrigen Bestehen der Nederlandistik am 18. und 19. Oktober 2002 in Wien. Wien: Edition Praesens, 223-234. [pdf:  2003_Verhagen_Sprachen-weg-bahnen ]
  • Arie Verhagen. The Dutch way. In: Arie Verhagen and Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.), Usage-Based Approaches to Dutch. Utrecht: LOT, 27-57. [pdf: 2003_Verhagen_Dutch-way ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Subordination and discourse segmentation revisited, or: Why matrix clauses may be more dependent than complements. In: Ted Sanders, Joost Schilperoord, Wilbert Spooren (eds.). Text Representation. Linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 337-357. [ link, pdf: 2001_Verhagen_Subordination-segmentation ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. “The girl that promised to become something”: An exploration into diachronic subjectification in Dutch. In: Thomas F. Shannon and Johan P. Snapper (eds.), The Berkeley Conference on Dutch Linguistics 1997: the Dutch Language at the Millennium. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 197-208. [pdf:  2000_Verhagen_Promised-diachronic-subjectification ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Interpreting Usage: Construing the History of Dutch Causal Verbs. In: Michael Barlow and Suzanne Kemmer (eds.), Usage-Based Models of Language. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 261-286. [ link, pdf: 2000_Verhagen_History-Dutch-causatives ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Concession implies causality, though in some other space. In: Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen and Bernd Kortmann (eds.), Cause – Condition – Concession – Contrast: Cognitive and discourse perspectives. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 361-380. [ link, pdf: 2000_Verhagen_Concession-causality ]

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  • Joost Schilperoord and Arie Verhagen. Conceptual dependency and the clausal structure of discourse. In: Jean-Pierre Koenig (ed.), Discourse and Cognition. Bridging the Gap. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 141-163. [pdf:  1998_Schilperoord&Verhagen_Conceptual-Dependency ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Changes in the use of Dutch doen and the nature of semantic knowledge. In: Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, Marijke van der Wal, Arjan van Leuvensteijn (eds.), DO in English, Dutch and German. History and present-day variation. Amsterdam/Münster: Stichting Neerlandistiek/Nodus Publikationen, 103-119. [pdf:  1998_Verhagen_Changes-doen-semantic-knowledge ]

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  • Arie Verhagen and Suzanne Kemmer. Interaction and causation: Causative constructions in modern standard Dutch. Journal of Pragmatics 27: 61-82. [pdf:  1997_Verhagen&Kemmer_Interaction&causation ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Context, meaning, and interpretation, in a practical approach to linguistics. In: L. Lentz and H.L.W. Pander Maat (eds.), Discourse analysis and evaluation. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 7-39. [pdf:  1997_Verhagen_Context-meaning-interpretation ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Sequential conceptualization and linear order. In: Eugene H. Casad, Cognitive Linguistics in the Redwoods. The Expansion of a New Paradigm in Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 793-817. [pdf: 1996_Verhagen_Sequential-conceptualization ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Subjectification, syntax, and communication. In: Dieter Stein and Susan Wright (eds.), Subjectivity and subjectivisation: linguistic perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 103-128. [pdf:  1995_Verhagen_Subjectification-syntax ]
  • Louise Cornelis and Arie Verhagen. Does Dutch really have a passive? In: Marcel den Dikken and Kees Hengeveld (eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 1995. Amsterdam/Philapdelphia: John Benjamins, 49-60. [pdf:  1995_Cornelis&Verhagen_Dutch-passive ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. The Inflection of Adjectives with Nominal Infinitives. In: R.S. Kirsner (ed.), The Low Countries and Beyond. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1993, 97-109. [pdf:  1993_Verhagen_Inflection-adjectives ]
  • Saskia Daalder and Arie Verhagen. Dutch Tenses and the Analysis of a Literary Text. The Case of Marga Minco’s De val. In: R.S. Kirsner (ed.), The Low Countries and Beyond. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1993, 139-150. [pdf:  1993_Daalder&Verhagen_Tenses+LiteraryText ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Word order and (no) semantic roles. In: W. Bahner, J. Schildt, D. Viehweger (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourtheenth International Congress of Linguists. Berlin/GDR, August 10-August 15, 1987. II. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1104-1108. [pdf:  1989_Verhagen_Word-order-roles ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. On certain functional approaches to word order. In: F. Beukema and P. Coopmans, Linguistics in the Netherlands 1987. Dordrecht: Foris, 215-222. [pdf:  1987_Verhagen_Functional-approaches ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Linguistic Theory and the Function of Word Order in Dutch. A study on interpretive aspects of the order of adverbials and noun phrases. Dordrecht: Foris/Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter]. [pdf:  1986_Verhagen_Linguistic-Theory&Word-Order ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Bounding phenomena and binding conditions. In: Saskia Daalder and Marinel Gerritsen (eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 1980. Amsterdam/etc.: North Holland Publishing Company, 139-149. [pdf:  1980_Verhagen_Boundedness&binding ]
  • Arie Verhagen. Pragmatic markedness and syntax. Journal of Pragmatics 4, 425-447. [pdf:  1980_Verhagen_Pragmatic-markedness ]
  • Arie Verhagen. On contrastive stress. Voortang van het onderzoek in de subfaculteit Nederlands aan de Vrije Universiteit I. Amsterdam, 340-368. [pdf:  1980_Verhagen_On-contrastive-stress ]

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  • Arie Verhagen. Focus, core grammar and sentence adverbials in Dutch. In: Marc Van de Velde and Willy Vandeweghe (eds.), Sprachstruktur, Individuum und Gesellschaft (Akten des 13. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Gent 1978, Band 1). Tübingen: Niemeyer, 143-152. [pdf:  1979_Verhagen_Focus, core grammar ]
  • Arie Verhagen. On the E-hypothesis of dislocation and conditions on discourse grammar. Recherches Linguistiques 8 (Université de Paris VIII – Vincennes, automne 1979), 131-158. [pdf: 1979_Verhagen_E-hypothesis-dislocation ]

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