This page mentions (upcoming) presentations, and contains links to pdf-files of the powerpoint slides of some of the talks.
Forthcoming events: click here
Pdf-files pf powerpoint presentations: click here
Video recordings
Below is the video of the live-stream of my Presidential Address at the 56th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea in Athens, Greece on Tuesday, August 29, 2023.
Below is the recording of the Q&A following the above talk.
Online lecture (Friday, May 12, 2023) in the series “Innovation in Linguistics”, organized by Cognitive Semantics, on the reasons why 19th century linguists failed to recognize the depth of the conceptual innovation of Darwin’s discoveries, and about some consequences for linguistic terminology.
- Lecture at the University of Amsterdam on October 19, 2023: The concept "style" in evolutionary linguistics
- Roundtable on Linguistic and biological evolution, Language & Languages at the crossroads of Disciplines, 1st Annual Meeting, September 11, 2024, Sorbonne University – Paris, France.
- Course Evolutionary Linguistics in the Leiden Summer School, 21 July – 1 August 2025.